Types of Parasites
There are several different types of internal parasites that can invade goats:
Trichostrongylus (Lung Worm)
Haemonchus (Barber Pole Worm)
Ostertagia (Round Worms, Including Stomach Worm, Wire Worm, Hoke Worm, Whip Worm, and Thread Worm)
How do they get infected with the worm?
Goats will ingest these parasites while out to pasture or sometimes in a confined area, such as a pen or barn. Once the parasite is ingested, it will live in a part of its stomach and will lay eggs in large amounts. The eggs are then passed through in the manure. Then the eggs will eventually hatch, sometimes in days and others in months. The larvae will thrive in warm, wet conditions. Once the goat eats the larvae, it takes about two weeks for Haemonchus Contortus to become adult worms and begin to lay eggs. The Ostertagia and Trichostrongylus take about three weeks to mature and lay eggs. Once the parasites are ingested, the damage begins for the goats. Larvae will cause damage to the stomach by affecting gland cells. Haemonchus is a bloodsucker; it will consume a great amount of blood from the host. Sometimes the larvae will consume blood faster than the goat can make it, resulting in death.
How do I know if my goat has parasites?
Some signs that you need to watch for are:
- Diarrhea
- Weight Loss
- Lethargy
But please note that internal parasites infect the gastrointestinal tract, such as the lungs, blood system, and skin. And unfortunately, you can not “see” these. You can have your goat’s manure checked for parasites. Village Veterinary Hospital will run a few tests on the manure to look for the “type” of parasite that could be affecting your goat. If your goat has become more lethargic, it is important that you call our office and have the goat seen. Also, when you bring the goat in for an exam, make sure to bring a stool sample with you.
Deworming Programs
A good rule for deworming is to always start a few days before turning the goats out to pasture in the spring, followed by a booster deworming a few weeks later. You can also deworm them after a hard frost in the fall; this will help keep them protected through the winter months.
If you have any other questions regarding parasites in your goats, or you would like to schedule an appointment to have your goat seen, please contact our office at (505) 869-2627, and we will be glad to assist you in any way we can.