Reproductive Planning

Thinking of breeding your dog?
Here at Village Veterinary Hospital our doctors help to determine the ideal time to breed your dogs. We use progesterone testing and vaginal cytology to help with staging estrus (heat) cycle of your female. We also test the virility of the sperm in the male.
What is Progesterone testing?
It is a reproductive hormone that increases before ovulation. We check the levels of your female with a simple blood draw that we send to the lab to get results of the levels.
What is Vaginal Cytology?
This is a swab of the females vagina. Then its observed under the microscope to view the cells, in which our doctors can see what stage of estrus (heat) your female is in.
After breeding your female, we are with you every step of the way, to help aid in a healthy gestation period. In order to help we offer ultrasounds, xrays, and c-sections. Our main goal is the same as yours, to have a healthy pregnancy and birth for both mom and puppies.